Hazards and Society

About this Special Issue


Please note: Beginning January 2025, Earth Science, Systems and Society will be published through the Geological Society of London’s own Publishing House. Authors wishing to submit papers should now do so via the Geological Society’s Editorial Manager online editorial office: www.editorialmanager.com/esss
Please direct any questions to abel.barral@geolsoc.org.uk

As population expands and climate changes, more people than ever before will become exposed and vulnerable to environmental hazards. Moving forwards, multidisciplinary analysis that integrates Earth science, social science, communication, policy and engineering will be vital for effective disaster risk reduction and the development of sustainable, resilient communities.

This Special Issue aims to highlight how environmental hazards and risk interact with society, to showcase the important role that Earth Science plays in our socio-economic resilience to environment hazards.

We invite contributions (new research, reviews, and perspectives) to this Special Issue from a range of Earth science and related fields, including - but not limited to - the topics listed below. We particularly welcome multidisciplinary contributions that bring together different perspectives from natural and social sciences, engineering, industry and policy.

- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Impacts of hazards on society; past, present and future
- Vulnerability, resilience and sustainable cities
- Hazard engineering and impact on infrastructure
- Seismic hazards
- Volcanic hazards
- Meteorological and hydrological hazards
- Landslide hazards
- Marine hazards
- Multi-hazard scenario analysis
- Hazard, uncertainty and risk communication and outreach
- Hazards and climate change

Authors are invited to submit papers for consideration via the Journal’s submission platform here.

For more information about the Journal scope, article types, and article processing charges, see here.

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: hazards, environmental hazards, seismic hazards, volcanic hazards, meteorological hazards, hydrological hazards, Landslide hazards, Marine hazards, climate change, risk reduction, risk communication, sustainable cities

Issue editors