Please note: Beginning January 2025, Earth Science, Systems and Society will be published through the Geological Society of London’s own Publishing House. Authors wishing to submit papers should now do so via the Geological Society’s Editorial Manager online editorial office:
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This Special Issue of Earth Science, Systems and Society addresses inclusion, diversity, equality and social justice within Earth Sciences. It is now widely recognised that the Earth Sciences are lacking in diversity due to long-lived structural and cultural barriers to access and inclusion. As Earth Science becomes ever more crucial to a sustainable future for society, it is vital that Earth Scientists work together to improve equity and inclusion within our discipline, to ensure it is accessible to all.
The aim of this special issue is to bring together a collection of articles focussing on all aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Earth Sciences. We encourage contributions from industry, the public sector and academia exploring, but not limited to;
Inequity experienced in Earth Science as a result of personal and/or protected characteristics
Interventions to improve inclusion and access in Earth Science
The colonial links of Earth Science and/or efforts to decolonise the discipline
Perceptions of Earth Science among diverse groups of people
Strategies to reform structural, organisation and cultural aspects of the discipline that present barriers to access to certain groups
Multidisciplinary work that crosses traditional silos to improve equity in Earth Science and aligned disciplines
Challenges and solutions to overcome diversity and inequity within the Earth Sciences from industrial, public and the academic sector
Reviews of existing policies and practices that impact diversification of the Earth Sciences
Discussions of barriers to access in the Earth Sciences and potential solutions.
For more information about the Journal scope, article types, and article processing charges, see here.
Keywords: Inclusivity, Diversity, Geoscience, Geology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Equality