The race to Net Zero has already begun in a bid to limit the rise in global surface temperatures to 1.5℃ by 2100. To achieve this goal, change is required at pace and scale across all sectors of the global economy to drastically reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and offset remaining CO2 output.
Earth Science, Systems and Society (EScubed) is launching its inaugural Special Issue on "Earth Sciences and the Race to Net Zero" to put a spotlight on the important and varied role that Earth science plays in the transition to a Net Zero future.
We invite contributions (new research, reviews, and perspectives) to this Special Issue from a range of Earth science and related fields, including - but not limited to - the following:
· Responsible sourcing of raw materials for transition technologies
· Low carbon energy systems and energy storage
· Negative emissions approaches
· Value of natural capital in decarbonisation
· Stakeholder perception of Earth sciences for Net Zero transition
· Sustainable practice and development
· Policy, transition, and scalability
For more information about the Journal scope, article types, and article processing charges, see here.
Keywords: net zero, greenhouse gas, decarbonisation, sustainability, COP26, sustainable energy